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PC Games

I got a whole bunch of cheats for you here, but if you do not find what you're looking for, e-mail me.

Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion
(Hit enter before you type these codes)
LUMBERJACK                          1000 wood
CHEESE STEAK JIMMY'S      1000 food
ROCK ON                                   1000 stone
ROBIN HOOD                             1000 gold
AEGIS                                          everybody builds and harbests super fast

Heroes of Might and Magic II  (Demo and Full Version)

32167                 Five black dragons to selected heroes arm
911                      Win Scenario
1313                   Lose Scenario
8675039            Uncover Entire Map

Need For Speed High Stakes
(you may need a different config.dat file to use these cheats)

TP00-15          Drive as the traffic
GOFAST          Upgrade Engine
MONKEY          Upgrade Automatic Transmission
MOON          Low Gravity
MADLAND          Super Human Opponents

BUY               Free Purchase
UP0               No Upgrades
UP1               1st Upgrade
UP2               2nd Upgrade
UP3               3rd Upgrade
GATES          Cash Increase

Hot Pursuit:
DCOP               Bonus Pursuit Car
ECOP               Bonus Pursuit Car
FCOP               Bonus Pursuit Car

ACAR               Bonus Racing Car
BCAR               Bonus Racing Car
CCAR               Bonus Racing Car
CARS               All Cars
TRACKS          All Tracks
ALLTIERS        Open All Tiers
OUTMYWAY     Horn Causes Opponents Ahead of you to crash

Duke Nukem 3D

DNSTUFF                All Items
DNKROZ                 God Mode
DNCLIP                    No Clipping Mode (walk through walls)
DNSCOTTY(1-7)     Level Warp

The Sims
(In order to make these work, you must simultaneously hit Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C.)

KLAPAUCIUS or ROSEBUD          Gives you 1000 Simoleons
WATER_TOOL                                  Puts water around your home
SET_HOUR                                       (Values 1-24)
SET_SPEED                                    (Values -1000 - +1000 )
INTERESTS                                      Lets you change personalitys & interests
AUTONOMY                                      (Values 0-100)How much Sims think on own
GROW_GRASS                               (VALUES 0-150)               
MAP_EDIT ON                                 Edit Maps on
MAP_EDIT OFF                               Edit Maps off
ROUTE_BALLOONS ON               Self explainitory
ROUTE_BALLOONS OFF             Self explainitory
!  (EXCLAMATION POINT)             Repeats last cheat code entered

Carmageddon 2 Demo

If you want to play as any car in the demo (excluding the
truck), then all you have to do is change one line in the
GENERAL.TXT (in the data directory), which reads EAGLE3.TXT
(it's right after 'Cars to use as defaults:' ) to anything
you want. The names of the cars you can use are found in
the data/cars dir. Note: any try by me to change the car
to the truck (using VOLVO.TXT) caused the demo to lock up
at the title screen.

Command & Conquer: Red Alert

Engineer Capture Bug:
When playing against more then 2 players, (AI or human, no difference) You can cancel a hostile engineer attack.Simply ally with the engineer right before he enters your building. Instead of damaging or capturing it,
he'll fully repair it instead!

Windows 95/98

Screen Saver Secret:
When you go into either of the screen savers that consist of words that you put in, write the word "Volcano" and see what happens.  Its a little dumb, but nevertheless, it is a secret.  Something to impress your dumb friends with.
Also, if you use 3D pipes and you put it on multiple pipes with mixed elbows (not flex), look for a teapot as on of the elbows of the pipe.  It may take a while, but if you have a lot of time on your hands, why not?